Беверли хиллз 90210 смотреть онлайн на английском с субтитрами

Беверли хиллз 90210 смотреть онлайн на английском с субтитрами

Изначально он представлял собой некоего дурачка-малолетку, совместно с товарищем наблюдавшими за Келли и пытавшимся «подлизаться» к основной компании. И это удивительно, потому что нередко такой контраст виден невооруженным взглядом! My Way Описание.

Геральт даже не подозревает, в какую игру ввязывается, подставляя не только себя, но и возлюбленную Йеннифер, очаровательную тёмноволосую чародейку, которую вскоре тоже предстоит искать, пока та преследует собственную цель на фоне погибающего мира. Комментарии 83 О сериях. Для того, что бы оставить комментарий, нужно войти в систему. Модераторы блокируют доступ к комментариям за: мат, даже выражающий позитивные эмоции.

Сообщение удаляется в следующих случаях: имеется мат в завуалированной форме. Что это было? Я так и не поняла, к чему эта бредятина бы да снята?

Американский Художественный Фильм Добрая Комедия Приключения Однажды В Беверли Хиллз

Честно говоря, я ожидала большего Не удивительно, что продолжения не будет - идея сюжета просто провальная. Если бы это была только одна серия как в друзьях реюнион, то еще ладно. Но это просто издевательство над поклонниками сериала. Так опошлить сериал!? Но, есть и положительный момент в этом, что его закрыли, так как его превратили в полный отстой.

Таким стала история юноши с криминальным прошлым в «Одиноких сердцах», а также противостояние братьев в подростковой драме «Холм одного дерева».

Беверли-Хиллз 90210 1-10 сезон смотреть онлайн, 1-25,26,27 серия

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Главная Все сериалы Беверли-Хиллз Создатели и актеры ЕЩЕ. Настоящий детектив True Detective Brandon becomes involved with an a new student, named Marcie St. Claire, whose father, Dixon St. Brandon then begins a major battle with his father and Nat by persuading him not to sell out to the company.

Of the gang, only Brenda opposes Brandon in his crusade thinking that the gang can survive without their hangout place. Meeting Mr. Pony Описание. Brenda becomes a victim of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after being held at gunpoint by an armed robber during an after-hours hold up at the Peach Pit.

Brenda then continues to have waking nightmares of the event and tries visiting a psychiatrist. Things to Do on a Rainy Day Описание.

But only Kelly gets to see the band, while David and Brenda get stuck in the hotel stairwell, and Donna sees more than she wants when she finds her mother, Felice, at the hotel with a man other than her father. Meanwhile, Brandon, Dylan and Steve, left alone at the Walsh House, hire an exotic dancer to ease their boredom.

Mexican Standoff Описание. But Brenda secretly decides to go anyway and asks Kelly and Brandon to help cover her tracks. Wedding Bell Blues Описание. Brenda faces the wrath of her parents after her disastrous return from Mexico.

In a desperate attempt to keep Brenda and Dylan apart, Jim bans him from coming over to their house which only alienates Brenda even more, especially when Brandon and Kelly take out their troubles on Brenda over lying for her during her surfing trip. Meanwhile, Kelly mourns the departure of Jake when his job at the Taylor house is done.

But he returns …. Misery Loves Company Описание. Brandon returns to work for the summer at the Beverly Hills Beach Club to find that his parents are new members and Andrea now working there as the child-care supervisor. When Brandon and Cindy discover that Brenda is unhappy living with Dylan, Jim immediately takes advantage of this to play hardball with him by canceling his trust fund. Elsewhere, Brandon …. Meanwhile, Brenda and Donna arrive in Paris and they get a less than dazzling welcome to the City of Light after meeting brash students, as well as eating at a local restaurant.

Brandon and Steve both flip over an attractive volleyball player, named Brooke Alexander, whom Steve hires for his volleyball partner. Kelly and Dylan try out for volleyball, while becoming more attracted to each other.

Meanwhile, a new girl in town, named Nikki Witt, flirts with David who shows her his song writing talents. In Paris, a French photographer persuades Donna to start modeling for him, while Brenda tries to fit in more with the Paris crowd when she begins to take up smoking.

Brandon, now dating Brooke, falls for a hard-luck story by a homeless man named Jack Canner. Meanwhile, Dylan and Kelly teeter on the brink of a romantic affair. Also, Andrea gets worried as Cameron, her deaf student, goes missing. In Paris, Brenda pretends to be French to woo another American student she meets there, named Rick, who develops a crush on her. Castles in the Sand Описание. Dylan and Kelly decide to keep their romantic liaison a secret when Brenda and Donna return from Paris.

During a welcome-back party for Brenda and Donna, Brenda confides in a guilt-ridden Kelly that she sees that something has changed about Dylan while she was away.

Meanwhile, Brandon discovers that Brooke is not the girl of his dreams after he sees little amusement in her repeated racist and stereotypical comments. Also, Steve finally lands a gig for David at the end-of-the-summer clambake at the beach club. A Song of Myself Описание. Brandon wants to quit the paper so that he can enjoy his senior year. Andrea enlists the help of new advisor and English teacher Gil Meyers to change his mind.

Gil decides to have Brandon replace Andrea as editor. She accuses him of sexism and wants to resign. Gil resolves the dispute by making Andrea and Brandon co-editors. A depressed Kelly changes her entire schedule to avoid Brenda and Dylan. David is afraid to confess to Donna, but Nikki inadvertently breaks the news. Nikki expresses an interest in Brandon. The Back Story Описание. During SATs week, Brenda tries to desperately quit her chain-smoking habit she picked up in Paris, while at the same time, she talks a little too openly to Beth Nielson, a tabloid-TV reporter about life in Beverly Hills who twists her story, and her friendships.

Meanwhile, Nikki turns her sights on Brandon and tries to win his affections. An academic shortcut temps Steve when an alumni man, named B. Harrison, offers him the master key to the school offices. Also, Dylan visits his father in prison again who gives him some advice on his future. Highwire Описание. The gang must consider their future and meets with their guidance counselor, except for Kelly and Dylan who agree that college is not for everyone.

Meanwhile, Jim and Cindy announce to Brenda and Brandon that they can afford a private college for only one of them. Also, Andrea has the same bad dreams involving walking a high-wire to get into her own college.

Brandon and Nikki become even more close, and David walks in on Kelly at a bad moment. Home and Away Описание. After a West Beverly football game is canceled because of the gang violence at the opposing school, Brandon meets with Jordan Bonner, the class president from the rough South-Central school, who together they decide to make a stand by inviting some of the students from the school to a West Beverly High dance, being headed by Brenda and sponsored by Gil Meyers.

Meanwhile, Kelly goes to meet with her long-absent father. A Presumption of Innocence Описание. Meanwhile, Brandon reluctantly agrees to go out dancing with Nikki, despite not knowing how to dance. Also, Dylan develops a bad cough due to surfing in polluted water.

Destiny Rides Again Описание. Fate touches Brenda when her Paris beau, Rick, suddenly shows up, causing her to question her relationship with Dylan. Meanwhile, Donna considers becoming more intimate with David, but she feels guilty about thinking about the subject of sex. After Steve gets bad news regarding his low SAT score, he decides to take the risk and gets Herbert to help him …. Rebel with a Cause Описание. Steve stays close to the computer taping investigation, led by Andrea now confined to a wheelchair with two broken legs , fearing that she may find out his criminal secret.

But Steve gets more worried when the sleazy school janitor, Hutchins, demands blackmail money after figuring out that Steve broke into the school that night. Wild Horses Описание. On the road, Dylan finds comfort with Anne, a wealthy heiress living at a remote ranch in northern California after his car breaks down.

The Kindness of Strangers Описание. A rainy Thanksgiving brings uneasy get togetherness when Brandon brings over Jack Canner, the homeless man he tried to help out the previous summer, after Nikki leaves town to visit her parents in San Francisco.

Meanwhile, Steve, now expelled from school, joins his mother for a TV shoot in Santa Barbara to some time break his bad news to her. But Samantha Sanders actually sticks up for Steve and gets him conditionally readmitted to West Beverly. Also, Dylan brings his father home for Thanksgiving and must cope with his presence and his new girlfriend Christine. David also decides to graduate early so he can be with Donna and the gang after his divorced mother moves to Portland.

The mishap events lead to all of them on a bus bound for a Christmas Eve party for underprivileged …. The Game Is Chicken Описание. Things take a turn when Brandon suspects the opposing driver as the hit-and-run driver that hit Andrea.

Meanwhile, Brenda and Kelly go out on a blind double-date with two kids from Princeton junior high school , and David gets radio competition from Donna in between his DJ work and relentless studying for early graduation.

Now What? Meanwhile, Jim questions his mid-life crisis with his secretary Dottie and a best-selling author on the subject.

Dylan finds two separate fantasies about a future with Brenda and Kelly not fulfilling.

Беверли-Хиллз 90210 (1 сезон)

Back in the High Life Again Описание. Andrea decides on a new look for herself by her hair dying it red and trading her eyeglasses for contact lenses. Also, Dylan finally chooses Kelly over Brenda who is worsened after they tell her about their …. Parental Guidance Recommended Описание. Brandon continues gambling and splurges his winnings on skis and a new car stereo.

Meanwhile, David and Steve meet with the eccentric Icon Records Company president Curtis Bray, who tells David that he will give him a recording deal only if he fires his personal manager Steve. Brenda spends the entire weekend in her bedroom moping about her lost relationship with Dylan, while dreaming evil dreams on ….

Dead End Описание. But they are all under observation by unidentified men. Brenda, Donna and Cindy take a class in self-defense. Andrea get invited on a date with Jordan. Also, David meets with Serge Menkin, his new recording manager, who insists that David …. Meanwhile, Kelly continues to be obsessed with losing weight and begins starving herself, while she becomes uncomfortable when Jim asks Dylan to stay at the Walsh house for a while to avoid reporters following his every move.

Steve turns down giving any more recording advice to David who struggles with meeting with Curtis …. Meanwhile, David finally realizes the true nature of the music industry when Serge continues to ignore his hip-hop material and forces him to record a repetitive, syrupy ballad. Finally seeing the egotistical, two-faced shark that Curtis Bray really is, and the self-serving hack Serge is, David …. Perfectly Perfect Описание. With the possible sale of the Taylor house, Kelly gives her mother and prospective buyers a hard time.

But things take a unexpected turn when the guests get an even bigger surprise from Kelly when she collapses due to an overdose of diet pills. Meanwhile, Steve badgers Brandon into joining him on a TV dating game show and Steve wins a date with an attractive girl named Celeste Lundey. Senior Poll Описание. Kelly stops attending her eating disorder group because the girls with more severe cases unnerve her.

Dylan lets her read a section from his manuscript in which he describes his feelings for her. Brenda feels isolated from her classmates when she fails to win anything in the poll. She decides to apply to the University of Minnesota. He anonymously donates the money to the school to revive a summer camp for elementary school students. Andrea struggles to overcome her fear of roller coasters, and she and Donna have a talk about being virgins.

Brandon misses out on the trip to fill in for an ailing Nat at the Peach Pit. A tour guide brings the Burt Reynolds Fan Club to the Pit, but cannot pay the bill because she has supposedly been scammed by her boss. Steve and Dylan catch up to her and spend the day trying to track down Burt Reynolds and convince him to meet the fan club. A Night to Remember Описание. Brandon and Andrea discover that the school board has quietly passed a measure in which any senior found drunk at the prom will be barred from graduation.

Jackie tells David and Kelly that she has sold the house. Brandon and Brenda do not plan to attend the prom. Brenda accepts an invitation from football star Tony Miller, and Andrea calls Brandon at the last minute after Jordan gets the flu.

Donna is surprised when her mother gives her permisson to stay out all night. David rents a hotel room for the night. Mel serves champagne at a pre-prom party, and everyone except Dylan and Andrea drinks. The gang tries to sneak her out of the hotel, but she faints right in front of Mrs. Brandon and Andrea check out a hotel room that Tony had presumptuously reserved, and Andrea gets a little carried away.

Something in the Air Описание. Donna is suspended, and must enroll in summer school before she can graduate. Felice refuses to appeal the ruling because she is worried about her own reputation. Donna changes her mind by reminding her that her husband and Donna forgave Felice for her past mistakes. Brandon convinces the entire senior class to walk out on finals as a show of solidarity. The juniors join the protest after Brandon agrees to add the elimination of a proposed dress code to the demands.

At the urging of a surprisingly reasonable board member, the schoo. Commencement 1 Описание. The gang reminisces about the good times while preparing to graduate. Steve convinces his friends to take part in a special event to ensure their legacy. He is surprised when Mrs. Teasley congratulates him on getting his act together and offers to write him a letter of recommendation. Brenda is accepted to the University of Minnesota; Brandon tries to discourage her from leaving.

Iris arrives in L. Dylan receives the check from his trust fund. Brandon learns from Jordan that Andrea may not go to Yale. Brandon fears that Andrea is giving up her future for him, but she is actually worried about paying her tuition. David and Donna emcee the senior breakfast, where everyone continue.

After working for the summer at the Beverly Hills Beach Club, Brenda leaves Beverly Hills to go to college in Minnesota and finds that her old friends now see her differently. Meanwhile, David and Donna seek out some affordable housing on the beach. Kelly returns from a two-month trip to Europe, without Dylan, who has been rejected acceptance into Berkeley. Donna is afraid to tell her mother about David living with her and Kelly at their new beach front house.

Kelly tells Donna about her troubles with Dylan during their stay in France with both trying to make each other jealous. Dylan returns from Europe to reconcile with Kelly who admits he was faithful to her.

Meanwhile, Brandon tries to get close to Jill who wants to take things slow, and it unwittingly creates jealousy with Steve. In Minnesota, Brenda gets homesick for the warmth of Beverly Hills while trying to adjust to college life and her brash roommate Darla ….

The Little Fish Описание. Brenda returns to Beverly Hills to find her bedroom taken over by Brandon and her parents angry that she dropped out.

College registration is too much for Dylan who has a kindred spirit, so he and Brenda pair for a fishing trip to talk about their future. But Andrea has a more friendly meeting of minds with Dan Ruben, her dorm faculty advisor…. Greek to Me Описание. Radio Daze Описание. During the first week of classes as California University, Donna becomes burned out of her work which is interfering with her college courses, Donna quits the late-night radio shift leaving David solo. Brenda seeks a job for herself to pay for her college tuition and finds one with her father, but she fails to deliver some important contracts.

Also, Andrea discovers that her residential advisor and …. Strangers in the Night Описание. Jim sets a lonely Brenda up on a blind date with Stuart Carson, the son of his business associate and both he and Brenda hit it off.

Dylan decides to buy a new car, regardless of the price. Due to his late night schedule, David causes problems with Kelly and Donna over his lack of housekeeping.

Kelly tells Dylan that they should start seeing others as a result of her growing relationship with John Sears. Moving Targets Описание. Dylan considers buying a gun after his new car is stolen from him at gunpoint. Andrea and Dan mull over going public their affair. Twenty Years Ago Today Описание. Cindy and Jim throw a party for their 20th wedding anniversary.

Meanwhile, Brandon falls for an anthropologist grad student named Lucinda Nicholson. A paranoid Dylan buys a gun from a street dealer and almost shoots Brandon. Andrea tells Kelly that she has doubts about her affair with Dan after he tells her about his non-belief in marriage. Then, Andrea meets a charming, Latino barman at the party, named Jessie Vasquez. Mel asks David to look after baby Erin while he heads off to …. Otherwise Engaged Описание. Brenda finds out from Stuart that his parents want her to sign a prenuptial agreement which bothers her.

On his first dinner date with Lucinda, Brandon discovers that she is married… to his sociology professor. Guilt plagues Steve after doing a favor for Sears and his frat buddies to bed down a blind date, named Laura Kingman, a …. And Did It My Way Описание. When their wedding plans become too much of a hassle, Stuart convinces Brenda that they should elope to Las Vegas. After Brandon finds out, he gets the rest of the gang to drop what they are doing and they all fly out to Vegas to try to discourage Brenda and Stuart from their marital plans.

Meanwhile, Laura wants to see more of Steve, who tries to keep things between them under wraps. On other personal fronts, Brandon continues to try to keep Lucinda distant who continues to flirt with him every chance she gets.

Беверли-Хиллз 90210 (сериал). Тизер 10 сезона на английском языке

Donna continues to try to resolve the continuing feud …. Take Back the Night Описание. After Steve breaks up with Laura, she tells Kelly and others that he date-raped her the night they were together to get back at him. Dylan tutors Brenda in poetry which brings them to a disagreement. When Lucinda insists to Brandon that he should take …. Radar Love Описание. He learns that the Valentine family has moved to Greece, but runs into Emily by chance on a cable car in San Francisco.

They rekindle their romance and decide to spend Thanksgiving together. But Emily does not reveal that she must move away in a week. Emily Описание. Emily has been accepted to the prestigious Cousteau Institute in France, but does not want to attend because she and Brandon are in love.

Brandon observes her passion for marine biology and encourages her to pursue her dream. Brenda balks when she is asked to appear nude in an experimental campus play. Andrea breaks up with Dan and begins ….

Windstruck Описание. Only John Sears remains sympathetic to Steve and tries to help. The Walshes get stranded in a damaged plane while on their way to Hawaii and flash back to past Christmases. Also, Jesse takes Andrea to a midnight mass. Crunch Time Описание.

Meanwhile, Dylan offers Suzanne financial aid and becomes suspicions after she gets very defensive when he asks her for identification. Thicker Than Water Описание. Meanwhile, Donna temporarily forgets about David when she flirts with an attractive ski instructor, named Chad, during a ski trip with the rest of the gang.

While Suzanne is out of town, Dylan spends the day with Erica teaching her how to surf, which takes a turn when Erica gets her first menstrual period. Then, Jim makes a background check of Suzanne for Dylan with her social security number and uncovers a …. Heartbreaker Описание. Dylan gets Suzanne a job at the Peach Pit as a waitress, which takes a different turn when Nat is hospitalized resulting from a heart attack. Meanwhile, Brandon is asked to be a candidate for a college task force on education to go to Washington.

David seeks treatment for his drug use while trying to find a substitute for his radio shift and finds Steve, who does a bad job. Also, Cindy …. The Labors of Love Описание. Then, David loses his radio DJ job after the station manager, Howard, fires him after seeing that David is completely out of control. Jesse disagrees with Andrea about her decision to get an abortion.

Scared Very Straight Описание. Donna tries to make up with David, whose increased drug use turns her away. Meanwhile, Jesse and Andrea meet with her grandmother to get her blessing before their wedding and reception at the Peach Pit.

A dangerous affair begins between Brandon and Lucinda, while her true colors are show when she begins teaching her anthropology class of human ….

Addicted to Love Описание. Brandon uses Kelly as his date at a university social event to shield his affair with Lucinda from Josh Richland, a snooping student reporter from the Condor determined to dig up any dirt on Brandon.

Meanwhile, Brenda and Stewart travel to Palm Springs where they find big complications from a small mistake Brenda makes which leaves them stranded in the desert, where Stuart fumes over and it resulting in her finally breaking off their engagement for good.

David rents a piano as a new hobby while Kelly moves back in with him and Donna.

Беверли-Хиллз 90210

Also, Andrea lets Steve use her …. Change Partners Описание. Lucinda temporally loses interest in Brandon when she flirts with Dylan to ask him to finance her documentary film.

Also, Andrea discovers that Steve is allowing Muntz and …. Brenda and Donna attend an animal rights rally, and are crestfallen when the university refuses to suspend animal testing. After Rocky dies of cancer, Brenda becomes involved with a small group of radicals.

Brenda is arrested. He finally tells Kelly that Lucinda came on to him. Brandon breaks up with Lucinda and Kelly confesses her …. Cuffs and Links Описание. Brenda calls Dylan from jail in the hopes of keeping her arrest a secret, but he is forced to tell her parents.

Brenda faces felony charges, as her crime was a federal offense. An FBI agent who had gone undercover with the activists offers her immunity in exchange for her testimony. Kelly apologizes for shunning Brenda. When the rest of the gang takes off on a ski weekend, Brenda stays behind and discovers an old diary that belonged to a young woman who once lived in the Walsh house with her parents and brother in the late s, in which Brenda imagines herself and the gang as the girl Wendy and the gang as her hippie friends.

Blind Spot Описание. Meanwhile, Steve sees no reason to keep the secret that their frat president, Mike Ryan, is gay despite being sworn to secrecy. Divas Описание. Acting Out Описание. When Brenda and Kelly are called back to final auditions, the resulting competition puts a serious strain on their friendship.

Steve continues to coach Laura for the lead, and she ends up making a superior performance, brushing aside Brenda. Meanwhile, Brandon is still being perused by Clare who has a crush on him. Truth and Consequences Описание. Meanwhile, Kevin impresses Dylan and Erica when they visit his lab where he tells Dylan about his clean-up plans for Santa Monica bay which are under funded.

So, Dylan asks Kevin if he could act as his beneficiary to open up his own chemical clean-up company, while Kevin also announces his engagement to Suzanne. Vital Signs Описание. Meanwhile, Brenda finds old feelings for Dylan returning to her when he gives her an opening-night gift medal ….

Walsh Goes to Washington Описание. In the two-part season finale, Brandon goes to Washington D. Kelly follows Brandon to Washington to get him out of a jam when Clare and Lucinda arrive at the hotel to peruse him.

Kevin and Suzanne get married in a semi-formal ceremony where he persuades Dylan …. But unknown to everybody, Valerie is secretly revealed to be a manipulative, cynical and callous woman with a taste for drugs and hard liquor. But that evening, Donna has an emotional breakdown when she runs into David at a nightclub. Steve returns from his …. Under the Influence Описание. Meanwhile, Brandon decides to tell Dylan about him and Kelly, but chickens out after seeing him drinking….

A Clean Slate Описание. Josh helps Brandon run for student body president who shines at a debate.

Beverly Hills, 90210 Cast: Then and Now (33 Years After) 1990 – 2023

Donna asks Clare now attending C. But Clare brings a bad snoring habit with her. Life after Death Описание. David meets Clare for the first time and they too become close. Rave On Описание. Even Brandon is skeptic and tells Kelly to give Valerie the benefit of a doubt. Homecoming Описание. Donna skips the …. Meanwhile, the Walshes finally learn that Dylan is broke when the proposed Peach Pit expansion leads to an exposure of his finances.

Valerie, still smearing with both anger and pity after catching Dylan cheating on her, confirms to them that Dylan is bankrupt. Jim then offers Dylan financial assistance. But the growingly misanthropic Dylan is too far gone to accept any sympathy and rudely blows off Jim. While Donna has trouble balancing the …. On Halloween night, Donna becomes scared when her two suitors, Ray and Griffin, finally cross paths during a costume party at the KEG house.

After being shunned by the Walshes and the rest of the gang, Valerie considers moving back to Buffalo, but decides to stay after learning that her mother has suffered a nervous breakdown. Steve unfairly blames Dylan for having a tryst with Valerie, and breaks his business agreement with the Peach Pit After Dark. Intervention Описание. Dylan enters a rehab center after all of his friends conduct an intervention. Valerie and Clare, left out of the intervention, spend the day shopping and bonding with each other.

Dylan then alienates Valerie more with his continuing drug use and attitude in which she walks out on him for good.

Kelly gets a modeling offer from Seventeen magazine. When Dylan is put in a coma after a car accident while driving under the influence of heroin, bizarre near-death dreams he has mirror his fight for life which involve his drug dealer, his high school principal Mrs. Meanwhile, Steve is bothered by the appearance of his annoying and overbearing father, Rush, at a flag-football tournament as part of the KEG sports weekend. In the hospital, Dylan spends the time talking with his mother Iris, while his drug dealer pays an unexpected visit and threatens him not to tell the police about their business.

Rock of Ages Описание. Jesse argues that Brandon is already the legitimate president, as he has been calling senate meetings to order; the challenge to the presidency is denied. Brandon takes Andrea to the concert. Kelly gets backstage access through the magazine, while braggart Steve has trouble getting in at all after a hippie steals his wallet. Ray and Donna work as vendors and see the show free of charge. David and Clare go to…. Up in Flames Описание. Emily flies back from Paris to attend a seminar at La Jolla.

She asks Brandon to meet her at the airport, claiming to have just a four-hour layover. She actually has a week until the beginning of her seminar, but Brandon breaks her heart by revealing that he is dating Kelly. When he sees her back to her hotel room, they share a passionate kiss. Steve and Griffin organize a holiday rave at an abandoned house. David and Clare accidentally post the notice about the event on a computer bulletin …. Injustice for All Описание.

In the aftermath of the house fire, Kelly suffers second and third degree burns on right wrist, ear, and the whole right side of her neck. Brandon is racked with guilt because of his feelings for Emily. Kelly does not react well when she learns that Emily is still in town. She calls Dylan to discuss her insecurities and Brandon visits him in search of advice. Kelly believes that Brandon is only staying with her out of guilt, but Emily eases her mind when she reveals that he expressed his ….

Differing family traditions cause tension between the Catholic Jesse and the Jewish Andrea. Clare introduces David to her father during a faculty Christmas party who finds common ground with him over their love of music. Unable to help Dylan, …. Sentenced to Life Описание. Dylan asks Jesse for advice when he is told to appear in court over his car accident.

Ray declines a request by Donna to perform at …. Sweating It Out Описание. On their semester break, Dylan and Brandon take a motorcycle trip through California and they end up being subjected to slave labor by a Native American sheriff for trespassing on a reservation, which helps dissipate the tensions between both of them over Kelly.

Meanwhile, Kelly benefits from attending psychology workshop seminars run by a famous, crippled psychology professor named Patrick Finley. Donna tries to help Ray get over his stage fright on the eve of his debut at the grand opening of the Peach Pit After Dark. Steve spends the weekend moping over his father,…. Hazardous to Your Health Описание. Dylan recruits Valerie to help him and Jonesy pull off a caper in Punta Brava, Mexico to reclaim his lost money after they find Kevin and Suzanne.

But when Dylan wants to rescue his sister Erica, Jones backs out, leaving Dylan to carry on a rash rescue attempt alone. Little Monsters Описание. Meanwhile, Valerie seeks a reward for helping Dylan recover his money and asks both him and Jones to cut her in on a large share.

Also, Andrea flirts with trouble when she starts seeing Peter while Jesse is away on business. You Gotta Have Heart Описание. Meanwhile, Brandon coaxes Kelly away from Professor Finley and his work at his newly opened commune, but only for the moment. Stormy Weather Описание. When a rainstorm hits Beverly Hills for the week, Andrea gets a job at the hospital where Peter works just to be near him.

Alone at the Top Описание. An unseen psycho, who may be the creepy grad student Lenny, creates a crime wave on the CU campus which includes the rape of a girl student which worries everyone. Peter temps Andrea to stay out late at the hospital with him, so she gives in to his requests to sleep with him.

Also, Dylan is tempted by Valerie to fall off the wagon again. Seeking answers to his path in life, Dylan tracks down and finds his rehab friend Charlie Rollins, a motel owner, …. Love Hurts Описание. Lenny becomes an outcast when he is suspected of the campus rape despite his protest of innocence which prompts him to ask Brandon to help him prove his innocence.